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Crystal Springs Florist & Garden Center, Your Local Coloma Florist

Need delivery today? Call us, we may be able to accomodate.

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Flower delivery in Coloma

We're a real brick and mortar florist located 8 miles from the center of Coloma.

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1475 Pipestone Rd
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Leave a Review
Matt GMatt G
one week ago
Delivered on time and flowers were beautiful
Annie DraytonAnnie Drayton
one week ago
Casey TestiniCasey Testini
one week ago
Attempted purchasing flowers for a funeral in southern IL from two other florists only to be canceled by both. One canceled after the visitation even happened. Too late to find florist out of town, so I decided to shop local and have them delivered when the family returned from the funeral. Flowers were delivered on time and the family is very happy with them. Thank you Crystal Springs for delivering as promised!!
Teela RuehleTeela Ruehle
2 weeks ago
Wonderful people! Excellent customer service and care and so thoughtful!